SSK passion

At SSK, every child is a genius. Our greatest wish is to instill that belief in each child, to be able to develop them comprehensively in the "golden age" of life, so that they can enjoy the joy and journey. A beautiful program that explores life's magical learning moments.

SSK children can grow up in so many different ways, becoming daring explorers, loving children, lifelong friends, global citizens, or engineers. , pioneering scientist, talented artist, environmentalist, 3D technology designer,... - Everything, no limits.

When entering grade 1, your child will understand how to chant the magic numbers in their hands as well as use language in many different ways. Children easily make new friends, learn to take responsibility for higher positions - being a senior, being a member of competing associations, being a theater star, being someone who will help the community in fundraising events. .

When you reach mature, your child will win scholarships and study in other countries, starting to become a global citizen while still not forgetting the values ​​of his homeland and family. From here, I become a messenger of Vietnam, return to my homeland and bring back the values ​​I have learned.

The day you enter university, you will become an intern in the best places, with the most desirable positions and then, achieve everything you want once you really decide. heart.

Then you will be at the top of the graduation table, not only successful, but also truly happy. You will have soul mates, have a family, have children of your own and will also raise that future generation like what you once received.

And most of all, not only you but also your family are the deciding factors in making this SSK school. Family is where children meet the most important teachers and aunts in life. At SSK, we are committed to preserving this relationship and will accompany our children with our families to nurture the seeds of love not only at school but also at home, from here on to unlock extraordinary strengths. often hidden deep inside every miracle child.